
Friday, September 28, 2012

Love this day

"Sunny days like the blue sky"
" Rainy days like the green sea"
"The Gray sky is like the Gray ground"
"The People are cheering as the birds are singing"
"Kids are walking to school"
"Cars are Rushing to work and forgetting about being late"
"Friends are talking"
"And kids are playing handball"
"Mum is saying goodbye to me"
"And dad is saying who is the man"
"Sky's are blue and sea's are green"
"Check this out it must be are friend"
"Loving this day all I just want is a lovely day"

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cheering Laughter and Angryness Poem

Morning light and dark sky's bright, Kids are happy as the sunlight 
People are cheering as the crowed is sing anybody wants to say my name just say it.
But on a Tuesday night everybody fights with actions everyone is saying fight fight.
Baby's are crying and noises are coming, going out side to see what is going on is very loud. 
As I pass through people I heard someone say light light light.
When I stop the fight I just say the baby's are crying, I don't want to hear this nose just be happy.
The Girl's say she started it but I don't care what is going on just do it.
I say Don't make me ring your mother or you are grounded for the rest of the month.
People say you are guy but nobody nose what is wrong.
That is so dry.
What is been going on here, She said this she said that, I tell them to shut there mouths up. but that is not necessaries.
Someone says boo to me I tell them to shut up.
I went back inside an look who I hear is some more fighting.
But I just crap my dog and made him bark that would stop them from fighting.
I don't like your questions that makes me so angry.
The next morning I hear cheeriness.
when I saw those Teenage girls I told them to show them how they fell about one another.

When Earthquake Strikes

Earthquakes are very dangerous because roofs can fall on building by building and kids other tables just waiting for the earth to stop. If I was at the beach and the earth was shaking I will move to higher grounds because I Tsunami might happen. Let me tell you a example thing. It is a sunny day you are at the beach and something s moves from the ground and things that shake the things that you have to do in a earthquake is to DROP,COVER,HOLD that is all you have to do in and earthquake.

Remember These three things DROP,COVER,HOLD

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Little Red Goes To Her Granny's

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a village near the forest.  Whenever she went out, the little girl wore a red riding cloak, so everyone in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood.But One Morning Little Red Riding Hood, told her mother if she can visit her elderly grandmother. Little Red’s Mother said” that is a great Idea,it wasn’t a while since little red hasn’t seen her grandmother. Little Red’s mother said”,She was going to make a basket filled of cookies and little red said that was alright just incase she don’t pass out on the floor."Remember, go straight to Grandma's house," her mother cautioned.  "Don't dawdle along the way and please don't talk to strangers!  The woods are dangerous.""Don't worry, mommy," said Little Red Riding Hood, "I'll be careful." Little red riding hood noticed a colourful flower’s so little red said I might pick some flowers for granny.When little red riding hood got to her grandmothers lovely house”she said Hello Granny it me little red riding hood. Granny said come in my young one little red said granny what big enormous ears you have, and what big opening eyes you have, and what big pointy nose you have granny as soon she said that is not my granny it is a wolf. When the wolf jumped up and gave little red a fright she said help put little red knew something that was going on in her head that she knew she could handle the big ugly wolf she gave him a piece of her mind that was the end of little red's adventure

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The day I am going to Rarotonga

For the very first time I am going to rarotonga to live there I leave on a December I think it is very exciting but it is very sad for my friend for Te roimata I bet she will cry when I leave.
I am leaving with my uncle Teari it is a very funny name it make me laugh because we had a girl name Teari. But yeah I am leaving with my uncle. I can’t wait to go there but I am going to miss my mum my dad brother sister and my nana. It is going to be very difficult when I leave I want to say that I like being in New Zealand and I like having fun but it might be the time I am going to Rarotonga. I can come and visit because my uncle is a traveller he travels around the world like a hot air balloon.
These are my friends that I am going to miss alotI am going to miss you and other you all a memory I will think about.
I am going to miss u

Sapasui and coco laisai

For the ingredient for the sapasui and coco laisai was:
Sapasui:Vormmicelle,Soy Sauce, mince,Onion,Green beans,Ginger,Garlic,oil

Coco laisai: Rice,coconuts
The Sapasui tasted like ginger but with Garlic.I like the Sapasui and the coco laisai together because it tasted nice together.
who cooked the sapasui and the coco laisai was
Oshania,Jessica I , Terina , Roezala, Moala , Serena , Alexandria, Raenan, Ahsin , Kitiona , Alex
For the drinks we had orange drinks. The tables set from the year 7’s
Restaurant: when I was in class all of the girls and boy were setting on two tables all of the girls were setting on there own side we had two tables on each side
Thanks to Ms Muliaumasealii for preparing everything