For the ingredient for the sapasui and coco laisai was:
Sapasui:Vormmicelle,Soy Sauce, mince,Onion,Green beans,Ginger,Garlic,oil
Coco laisai: Rice,coconuts
The Sapasui tasted like ginger but with Garlic.I like the Sapasui and the coco laisai together because it tasted nice together.
who cooked the sapasui and the coco laisai was
Oshania,Jessica I , Terina , Roezala, Moala , Serena , Alexandria, Raenan, Ahsin , Kitiona , Alex
For the drinks we had orange drinks. The tables set from the year 7’s
Restaurant: when I was in class all of the girls and boy were setting on two tables all of the girls were setting on there own side we had two tables on each side
Thanks to Ms Muliaumasealii for preparing everything
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